Pictures Of A Young Lady Who Was caught Shoplifting Were Shared On Twitter, See How People Reacted

Shoplifting is the theft of goods from an open retail establishment, typically by concealing a store item on one’s person, in pockets, or in a bag and leaving the store without paying.

A young man with the user name of Advo Barry Roux shared pictures of a young lady who was caught shoplifting.

“The struggle is real” captioned the young man. In these pictures, the young lady seems to have stolen leggings from a certain shop.

These pictures were shared on the 19th of October 2022 around 8:49 PM.

There were mixed reactions to the comments after people saw this. They shared their thoughts.

They mentioned that stealing is not struggling, it is being naughty. It would have been better if it was food not clothes.

“This one is not struggling, its peer pressure or status. how can you steal from a nike shop and not in Somalian shop” replied @Clinton55676333?

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