It’s accepted that crime will occur in South Africa. Many people break the law with complete disregard for the possibility of facing consequences. This is due to the fact that criminals know all too well that the judicial system is not doing enough to prevent crime and that information about their arrests and prosecutions eventually makes its way to the public. South Africa is becoming a more hazardous place to live on a daily basis as more and more people engage in criminal activity; anyone, at any moment, is at risk of becoming a victim of crime, and sometimes even of losing their life as a result of it.
Numerous criminals have been questioned and asked about their activities and motivations. Some of them aren’t shy about admitting their true identities as crooks or discussing their methods. In a viral video, a notorious killer is asked directly whether or not he makes his living off of murder.
The man in the video is not revealing his own identity, and he is holding the gun he regularly uses to murder others. The man claimed he has to kill for money just because he had a family to support. The interviewer followed up by inquiring about his salary. According to the man’s response, there is a difference. He can earn up to R50,000 if he is tasked with eliminating high-ranking officials, and R20,000 if he is tasked with eliminating military personnel. And if someone wants to hire him, he said they can do it in a week, and it’s really simple to get in touch with him. He claimed that killing people for money was his regular occupation.