South African healer Thembi Nyathi is warning the public about having sex when they are pushing for something big because it blocks a lot of things. She says people should abstain and concentrate on what they are doing and a lot of people didn’t agree with her statement. Someone even said he slept with someone and the following day he passed his interview and was hired on the spot.
” When you are pushing for something big, avoid having sex during that period especially if you’re single. Sex blocks a lot of things.” She said
” This is not true. I had sex and I went to an interview in the morning and I nailed it. I got hired on the spot.” Said @DanielXaba.
” Guys, be very careful of such blanket statements. Yes, there are times when abstinence is necessary just like fasting, but not always. Don’t feel guilty for wanting to be sexual while you are pursuing your goals and dreams. This fear-mongering is becoming boring.” Said @Gugulove20.
” This somehow only applies to black people.” Said @SiphoThetree.