Contingency plans afoot for matric exams amid load shedding: Minister Motshekga.
Some relief for matric students on the eve of the National Senior Certificate examinations. According to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, exams would be scheduled around load-shedding.
The testing in 2022 will take place during rolling blackouts, prompting fears about potential interruptions. Motshekga provided an update to the media on the department’s preparations. The department has informed students and parents that it is in contact with Eskom.
Over 755 000 full-time and 167 000 part-time grade 12 students will begin writing their final exams on Monday. The persistent effects of Covid-19 on teaching and learning, as well as rolling blackouts, are causing nerves to fray.
Teachers, parents, and students are concerned about power outages and disruptions, as well as probable rewrites. According to the Basic Education Minister, contingency plans have been put in place, including generators.
“We have been stating that we will work around load shedding.” To communicate with Eskom. “We work around load shedding, therefore in some cases, the paper would be written earlier to ensure that learners have written by the time there is load shedding,” explains Motshekga.
So far, load-shedding has only disrupted one exam at one school. As a result, 14 students will be required to retake the Computer Application Technology exam in December.