Security footage was captured when four pupils were sitting outside of a café having drinks while chatting and having the good time of their lives, out of nowhere came two guys with guns threaten and searching their pockets, one of the four guys step aside, quickly reached for his back and take out his gun, while the robbers were threatening them, he did the shooting first he shot one of the thieves in his arm and he fell down, then the other robber ran off and get into a random car, leaving his friend behind.
While the injured robber laying down, two of the guys ( victims) rushed to him and kicked him, it was so sad watching him laying down there with no help, but then he applied for that, I mean like what if he killed one of the guys? the victims were protecting themselves.
Do you remember the narrative that says ” When days are dark, friends are few.”? well, the robber who was left behind witnessed that, and the time he needed help from his friends they were nowhere to be found.
When we are about to reach the festive season people are warned to be aware of criminals and scammers, they are busy targeting people because they know they spend a lot during this time of the year because of bonuses and whatnot. So the careful when you out there spending your money.
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