She Doesn’t Deserve This: Phelokazi Was Forced To Drink Poison After Being Robbed In Cape Town

South Africans have been putting pressure on the minister of home affairs to deport all foreigners and send them back to their home countries since the beginning of the last decade. Despite this, illegal foreigners continue to roam freely throughout South Africa.

However, many political groups, such as the EFF, and political figures, such as JJ Tabane, are far too hostile to foreigners, claiming that foreigners are being exploited as scapegoats for all of the criminal charges that they face. They claim that this is because foreigners are more lenient with offenders. However, it would appear that they are not being used as scapegoats in any way, as evidenced by current reports.

According to the most recent news from Flying News this morning, there is an illegal alien from Mozambique who is wanted for terror crimes perpetrated in Soweto. The putative Mozambican is suspected of being responsible for the killing of a South African man known as Papi, who also happened to be the alleged Mozambican’s landlord. The incident occurred in Senaoane, which is located in Gauteng’s Soweto neighborhood.

This outraged South Africans, who accused him of being responsible for the murder of his landlord, who had housed him despite the xenophobic attacks taking place in South Africa. Others went on to say that all South African landlords should take this as a warning and avoid renting out their properties to foreigners.

Source: Link

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