Yizo Yizo is a South African television drama series that aired from 1999 to 2004 on SABC 1. The series took place in Supatsela High School, an imaginary institution located in the Daveyton neighborhood of Johannesburg.
During the first season, the school’s despotic principal, Mr. Mthembu, is forced to leave after beating a kid. Ken Mokoena is incompetent and corrupt, and until Grace Letsatsi removes him, the school will fall into the hands of gang members.
Some viewers in Japan were offended by the content of the early 1990s and early 2000s episodes of the TV show Yizo-Yizo.
This South African show ran on SABC 1 from 1999 until 2004. Many individuals found it to be pointless, while others hoped it would go on because they saw similarities between the show and the lives of many South Africans who live in townships.
Bonginkosi “Zola 7,” which features the character Papa Action in its second season, is widely regarded as one of South Africa’s finest television dramas.
We’ve compiled a list of actors who have and have not appeared on Yizo-Yizo:
The first is Papa Action, played by Ronnie Nyakale.
You may remember him as Cosmo from Generations: The Legacy.
No. 2 Chester Serote (Ernest Msibi)
You may know him as Amos from his time on Uzalo.
Nomsa is performed by Charmaine Mtinta.
Nomonde Gongxela plays Hazel. 4.
Lorraine Mphephi plays the role of Mantwa. 5.
Patrick Ndlovu stars as Mr. Mthembu in the film.
Ntate Molooi, alias Ntate Molooi, was a guest on Zone 14.
Seven, the Zakes are Jet Novuka.
Presently, Yamkela Mpambani is leading Uzalo as its captain.
S’thandiwe Msomi plays Ms Cele in the film.
You may also recognize her from Generations, where she played twins Zindzi and Zoleka.
9 Patrick Shai plays Mr. Thapelo.
Sophie Ndaba plays the role of Louisa Tlali.
The title “Queen from Generations” is her most recognizable identity to date.
Nambitha Mpumlwana’s Grace Let’satsi, number 11.
She became famous for her role as Mawande on Generations.
Starring as Thula is Fana Mokoena.
His name on Generations was Mandla.
In the film, Noluthando Maleka plays a character named Dudu.
Nongoloza Isreal Makoe
He uses the screen name “Skroef” on iNumber.
A brief summary for those who haven’t watched it yet: