“Last week a girl I was dating asked me to buy her KFC Streetwise Two. I almost bought it but I thought “nuh, my mom doesn’t have a house.’

“Last week a girl I was dating asked me to buy her KFC Streetwise Two. I almost bought it but I thought “nuh, my mom doesn’t have a house.’ I dumped her and took the money and built my mom a double-storey. Dear black men, learn to prioritize.” reported that there is nothing like sitting down for a lunch where the food is practically endless. A man bought a large amount of KFC and had people drooling over their screens. While KFC has disappointed a few Mzansi citizens lately,

It will forever be the go-to fast food for our people. Ain’t nothing like Colonel Sanders’ chicken. Twitter user @bandile_banks shared a picture of a table covered in KFC takeaway bags. What a boring way to tell us what you have archived… You must know the line between making it and not making it is very thin, so as to keep up with what you have and lose everything. You need to be humble in life ” Papie Collen said: “Streetwise 2 piece is less than R50.00 so how did you manage to build your mom a double-story house for only R37.00. “Even a nyaope guy can laugh at this post.

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