Check why this picture of Tshidi from Generation left people talking

Makhene, who is known for her love of money, appears to have repeated her television role that caused South Africans to both loves and despise her character in what appears to be a script right out of Hollywood, with a growing list of desperate and gullible investors hoping to make a fast buck.Tanki Mathubanyane had been building up savings for a rainy day when he finally got the chance to remodel his family’s home. However, when the actress approached him using the alias Zanele Mpande, he was forced to use his savings.

After hearing about this investment idea, Mathubanyane from Springfontein in the Free State told The Star that he believed he would soon realize his ambitions.

He claimed that on social media, the actress went by the name Zanele Mpande. He discovered that he was speaking to the actress who video-called him after he initially declined to join the scam after he turned down her approaches.

He claimed that he was instructed to make a small initial investment of R3,000, which would grow to R30,000 in just seven days.

“It so happened that a man by the name of Konstantin Maksim messaged me on Facebook asking if I would like to join an investing platform where I would make money in a week.

I was truly reluctant to join the site to the extent that he asked for my WhatsApp contact information. I declined. He then gave me Zanele Mpande’s contact information. She then video-phoned me so I could see that she was real even though I continued to deny it. I realized I was chatting to Tshidi from Generations at this point,” Mathubanyane added.

According to Mathubanyane, Makhene preferred the name Zanele Mpande and would not accept being named Letoya. He claimed that eventually, she persuaded him to begin trading on her platform, Bestoptionfxt.

Then, in order to begin trading and purchasing Bitcoin, he was instructed to create a Luno account. After being prompted to make a number of deposits into this account, this is when his experience started.

He was promised immediate returns, but six months later, he is now drowning in debt and suffering from pain.

Those are the news that is circulating, so when she posted a picture of herself with her three girls calling them the power puff girls, this caused a stir on social media with people bringing up this scam issue.

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